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Handling Sensitive Topics in Christian Fiction

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WW Episode 10: Handling Sensitive Topics in Christian Fiction LiteraryScape: Melissa LaShure

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If you are an author of historical Christian romance, then I encourage you to connect with authors in your genre through HCRW. HCRW is our writers’ group for historical Christian romance authors. We offer community, connection, critiquing, and training. Memberships start at just $3 a month. Visit to learn more.


Join Terry Whalin on September 19th from 5:00-6:00pm EST as he walks you through how to write a book proposal that sells, for just $17. *This training is free for HCRW Editing members.


This Friday I will have a big announcement. One that many of you have been waiting for and you do not want to miss. So, be sure to tune into this Friday’s episode and sign-up for our newsletter to be among the first to hear this exciting announcement!


Alright let’s get into this week’s Writers’ Wednesday episode. Author Sara R. Turnquist describes herself as a coffee lovin’, word slinging, clean Historical Romance author whose superpower is converting caffeine into novels. She has a wealth of knowledge on how to write a romance novel. Enjoy this information packed discussion with Sara!



Episode Notes

In this conversation, Melissa and Sarah discuss writing for the Christian romance genre, focusing on historical Christian romance. They talk about reader expectations, audience demographics, and the development of the romance relationship. Sarah provides insights into the key elements of a romance novel, including the importance of genre expectations, character development, and the stages of a relationship. They also touch on the challenges and strategies of writing historical fiction.

Sara also shares information about her latest book and her role in the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference.



  • Understanding reader expectations and genre conventions is crucial in writing Christian romance.

  • Romance readers have specific preferences and tropes they enjoy, and it's important to cater to those preferences.

  • The romance relationship should be central to the story and have an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.

  • Character development is essential, and flawed characters who catalyze each other's growth are more relatable and engaging.

  • Research is important in historical romance, and a balance between historical accuracy and fictional storytelling is necessary. When researching historical events, it is helpful to gather information from both a general perspective and a specific perspective to get a comprehensive understanding.

  • In Christian fiction, it is important to handle sensitive topics with care and respect for the Christian worldview.

  • Trigger warnings and sensitivity to readers who may have experienced certain topics should be considered when writing Christian fiction.

  • Writing is a partnership with God, and Christian writers have the opportunity to bring light and hope into a dark world through their stories.

  • The Kentucky Christian Writers Conference offers a platform for Christian writers to learn, connect, and grow in their craft.