Looking for help with curriculum, assessments, and instruction?

Want to find a group of educators who connect and collaborate and ignites your passion and drive for education?

Break down obstacles and soar with the Educational Awareness members group. A united group of educators who rekindle each other’s enthusiasm for the profession.

Educational Awareness Membership

A community focused on curriculum, assessments, instruction, and legislation, Educational Awareness unites those working in education.

The Educational Awareness Membership is just $7 a month.

Members enjoy:

  • Google Meets sessions for collaboration with friends and colleagues.

  • Resources that streamline their process.

  • Analyzing the data.

  • Utilizing data cycles to refine and strengthen their instruction.

  • Their passion for teaching is being rekindled.

  • PD available live and on demand.

When you join today you will get immediate access to the Educational Awareness Resource Library.

The resource library houses links to all documents shared on the Educational Awareness podcast. You can make a copy of one or all of these documents to use in your classroom.

Members also enjoy early access to all podcast content.

For the cost of just 2 coffees a month …

  • Bring your teacher's heart to life.

  • Rejuvenate in the comfort of your own abode.

  • Get that after conference enthusiasm all year long.

  • Invest in you and your student’s success.