As You Are
Matthew 6:33: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.
How often do you find yourself saying I will get to God once I get this, this, and this in order in my life? We get so caught up planning our lives out that we plan God right out of it. When in reality He’s the one we need most and the only one who can truly help us live our lives in a way that honors him.
In the novel Falling for the Cowgirl, Ivy struggles to place God first.
She didn’t doubt she’d disappointed God too. He was probably sighing and throwing His arms up at her antics, especially lately. She had to do better. And she would, once she had a place, she could finally call home. (p. 190 Falling for the Cowgirl by Jody Hedlund)
Have you ever been in Ivy’s shoes? I have sometimes, even on a daily basis. About the time I hit my tenth roadblock of the day I finally realize I’ve tried doing things without God. And let’s be honest, life gets frustrating and messy without Him! I am so thankful He loves me and welcomes me with open arms mess and all. I can say God is the best picker upper of our messes. No one can heal and restore us like He does. So, stop waiting until you’re perfect to seek Him, He wants you now!
I will leave you with is final thought: God doesn't want you after you get your life in order,
but now as you are.