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That’s a Wrap for 2023

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Episode 97: That's A Wrap for 2023! LiteraryScape: Melissa LaShure


Welcome to the last episode of the year! Tiffanie, Jamie, and I are excited to share our favorites from the 2023 reading year. We’d love to hear yours, just shoot us and email to with the subject 2023 favorites.

It is almost the start of a new year and I have a great new author coaching program coming for those who are aspiring authors that want to run their own author business. Next week’s episode will be for you. Remember to sign-up for the LiteraryScape newsletter to receive details about this new coaching opportunity and more.

Readers our 2024 reading year kickoff show will air on January 12th. Stay tuned to hear what new books and authors we have in store for you and don’t forget to sign-up for our LiteraryScape newsletter to stay up to date.


Podcast Notes:

In this episode, Tiffanie, Jamie, and Melissa share their favorites from the 2023 reading year.

Discover our favorite:

·      Novels

·      Series

·      Heroes

·      Leading Ladies

Plus, we share the scenes that have stuck with us all year.

It is always good to stop and reflect on the year. Our reading and accomplishments in 2023 amazed us. God was always with us. We are looking forward to where He is going to take us in 2024 and we hope you can join us!