God’s Will
Psalm 37:23-24: If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.
How much peace does Psalm 37:23-24 bring to you? I love the image of God upholding me with his hand.
Recently my husband and I faced a decision that most people would not consider difficult, but for us it was. We spent weeks in the throes of indecision to the point we were ready to put the sheepskin out on the deck. Sometimes the waiting and trying to discern God’s will can feel like you are in a constant state of tug-of-war.
Our church has been studying the life of Joseph and what others call the Joseph Factor. The series has been very enlightening. If you’re interested you can watch the sermons online here. In the most recent sermon, we were reminded that Joseph waited 13 years before the dreams God gave him came true. During that time God was preparing him for what he would be called to do. God’s preparation is tailored made for your future. (Pastor Jon Rauch)
Pastor Jon Rauch gave these 4 tips when you find yourself in the waiting or in the throes of indecision as you seek God’s will.
1. Don’t rush to gain a position that is beyond your character development.
a. Develop your personal relationship with Christ.
2. Recognize that God’s delays are God’s perfect timing.
a. Our lives are under the loving hand of God.
3. Hold on to God’s promises.
a. He is good on His word. You can trust Him.
4. Serve God wherever He has you.
a. God blesses your work.
In the novel Falling for the Cowgirl, Jericho resists God's direction when it comes to Ivy. Judd offers him words of wisdom.
The pages of Judd's Bible rustled as he flipped through them. "Good thing for us, we ain't alone in the slogging. The Lord says in Psalm 37..." (p. 78 Falling for the Cowgirl by Jody Hedlund)
I just love Jody’s character, Judd. We all need a Judd in our lives. Someone who is constantly pointing us back to God and speaking truth, in love.
I will leave you with this thought: Consult God daily, in all things and walk in His perfect