Trust God for Your Provisions
Matthew 6:30: If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.
What peace this verse brings during tough times. The Bible is filled with story upon story of God’s provision for his people. Think back on your times of need. How did God come through for you? I can remember being just married and in college. Money was tracked to the penny. I’m sure everyone has gone through that at some point in their life. We shouldn’t have been able to pay all our bills and still have money for food, yet somehow God made it happen month after month.
In the novel The Heart of a Cowboy by Jody Hedlund,
the heroine Linnea repeatedly quotes Matthew 6:30.
The verse brings her comfort during her trials.
For God is a good father who knows how to give good gifts and care for His children. He has every resource at his fingertips and eagerly awaits to provide for you, all we must do is ask. Don’t let fear hold you back, for our God can do all things!
I will leave you with this thought. Fear is an attack on your faith, fight it with the word of God.