How to Write, Publish, and Sell Historical Christian Romance Novels

Without feeling overwhelmed

Presented by Melissa LaShure from LiteraryScape

Webinar: How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Novel

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    By the end of this training, you’ll know how to:

    • Connect with authors in your genre, to create a book that is far more successful than one produced in isolation.

    • Develop your writing skills specific to your genre, historical Christian romance.

    • Avoid drowning in advertising fees, in order to sell more books.

    Get ready for 20-minutes of wow ideas, ah-ha moments, and big time encouragement to boost your writing perseverance!

    Meet your presenter

    Hey there, author!

    I’m Melissa LaShure, the founder of LiteraryScape, which is the company behind HCRW.

    I’m an educator, author, and podcaster. My specialty is teaching others how to write, publish, and market their novels. Because let’s face it—the writing and publishing world can be overwhelming when you don’t know what you don’t know.

    HCRW is where you’ll learn everything you need to know to write, publish, and market your novels with success! This training is a customized process as you create your one-of-a-kind stories that bless your readers.

    I’ll teach you the ins and outs of developing a solid plot with engaging characters and intriguing, witty dialogue that your readers will love. Then I’ll follow up the writing process with teaching you how to choose the perfect publishing path for you. Finally, I’ll help you develop a marketing plan that targets your readers, without drowning in advertising fees.

    Does that sound like joy to you? Then let me help YOU experience the blessing of publishing your beloved manuscript.