God is in Control
God is in complete control.
Job 12:10: In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.
What peace that verse brings. For there are no more capable hands than God’s. It is such a blessing to know he holds us and the ones we love in our hands. Yet at the same time we struggle to relinquish complete control as we try to do everything we can, to protect the ones we love.
In the novel The Heart of a Cowboy Flynn struggles to release control to God.
He released a tight breath. If only he could be in all places at all times. Then maybe he'd be able to keep everyone safe. "You're not God." Linnea's comment came back to taunt him.
(p. 127 The Heart of a Cowboy by Jody Hedlund)
Have you ever felt like Flynn. Overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility of the safety and provision of those under your care? Ever need someone like Linnea to remind that you’re not God? That God is in complete control. All we have to do is lay our needs and requests at his feet. For he knows what we need before we even ask!
Psalm 23 is a beautiful picture of how David wholly relied on God for his provision and protection. I would also encourage you to read Joseph’s story starting in Genesis 37. God is sovereign and work all things out for our good!
I will leave you with this thought: There is freedom and security in giving God complete control.
Visit Grace Community Church for an inspirational message on this topic. Check out the messages under The Joseph Factor tile.