The Sweetest Love
Misty M. Beller wraps up her Hearts of Montana series with a sweet, adventurous love story that will have you hooked, and hog tied from beginning to end!
We’ve walked through Aaron’s darkest moments, starting in Love’s Mountain Quest, where he arrives on the scene as a tough, cold hearted, gang member. To a broken man lying in the pit of despair in Faith’s Mountain Home. Aaron finally gets his own story, and we get to see the tender, loving, honorable man of God he has become.
Our heroine Katie Barlowe, longs to be in control of her own life. Yet the circumstances Aaron finds her in leaves her dependent on a man she barely knows. Without his help she and her baby will not arrive to safe lodging before winter sets in.
Aaron is out of his league as does his best to help Katie reach safety for the winter. You’ll be surprised by just how determined he is as he battles the weather and his weak leg. In true Misty M. Beller style he’ll face many physical and mental obstacles before achieving his goal.
You’ll fall in love with Aaron as he falls in love with Katie and her baby.
LiteraryScape gives Misty M. Beller’s, Honor’s Mountain Promise a 3-lasso rating!
Adventure Level = Mocha
Romance Level = Mocha
Mystery Level = Espresso
(Latte= A Lot, Mocha= Medium Amount, Espresso= An Expression)
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